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时间轴 Timeline



  • 当有一系列信息需按时间排列时
  • 需要有一条时间轴进行视觉上的串联时


Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24
Technical testing 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems" />


Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24

Create a services site

Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { ClockCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems">
    <template #dot="{ index }">
      <span class="big-dot" v-if="index === 2"></span>
      <ClockCircleOutlined v-if="index === 3" style="font-size: 16px; color: #1668dc; background: #fff; border-radius: 50%;" />
    <template #desc="{ index }">
      <p class="desc" v-if="index === 2">Create a services site</p>
<style lang="less" scoped>
.big-dot {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 18px;
  height: 18px;
  border: 4px solid #1677ff;
  border-radius: 50%;
  background: #FFF;
.desc {
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 500;


Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24
Technical testing 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems" line-style="dashed" />


Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24
Technical testing 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems" mode="right" />



Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24
Technical testing 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems" mode="center">
    <template #dot="{ index }">
      <span class="big-dot" v-if="index===2"></span>


Create a services site 2023-05-24
Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24
Technical testing 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2023-05-24
Network problems being solved 2
Show Code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { TimelineItem } from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const timelineItems = ref<TimelineItem[]>([
    desc: 'Create a services site 2023-05-24',
    color: 'green'
    desc: 'Solve initial network problems 1 Solve initial network problems 2 2023-05-24',
    color: 'red'
    desc: 'Technical testing 2023-05-24',
    color: 'blue'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2023-05-24'
    desc: 'Network problems being solved 2',
    color: 'gray'
  <Timeline :items="timelineItems" mode="center" position="right">
    <template #dot="{ index }">
      <span class="big-dot" v-if="index===2"></span>



width时间轴区域总宽度,单位 pxnumber | string'100%'
lineStyle时间线样式'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dotted''solid'
mode通过设置 mode 可以改变时间轴和内容的相对位置'left' | 'center' | 'right''left'
positionmodecenter 时,内容交替展现,内容从左边(left)开始或者右边(right)开始展现'left' | 'right''left'

Item Type

desc文字描述string | slotundefined
color?圆圈颜色'blue' | 'green' | 'red' | 'gray' | string'blue'


dot自定义时间轴点v-slot:dot="{ item, index }"
desc自定义文字描述v-slot:desc="{ item, index }"

Released under the MIT License.